Friday 20 February 2015

Keeping Up..

Maintaining the excitement of my first smoothie, I returned to the remnants of the medium zip lack bag. 

In a satisfyingly short space of time I managed to blend these..

Purple Delight

One and a half bananas
One cooked and cooled beetroot from a packet (don’t judge me)
One handful of grapes
Coconut water 

The result was a rich aubergine colour and a lovely taste. 

I took the contents to work for my first smoothie lunch.

With every intention of having ONLY the smoothie for lunch, I chickened out at midday and left the office in search of something to nibble on after the smoothie. I just didn’t believe it could make me feel full!

The two mini pies I bought (steak and ale and chicken), were the size of mini pork pies but gave me a sense of security. I was happy to find that once I drank the smoothie I didn’t want anything else. I still ended up eating both pies after 4pm because.. er.. waste not, want not!